Here we give you the ultimate low down on Important Information which you will need to know on your Magaluf Holiday! If you require any more information just send us a message and we are happy to assist you.
How long does it take to get from the
airport to Magaluf?
Magaluf by car. If you choose to get a coach transfer it can take up to 1 hour. It is 29KM in distance.
Price from the airport to Magaluf hotel is between 35-50 euros. The price of an airport taxi to Maga depends on three things. Firstly it’s the time of day. It is cheapest in the day time it can be up to 7 euros higher at night time. All taxis in Mallorca are on a meter so the further your hotel from the airport the more the cost will be. Thirdly The taxi fare will also increase with each piece of luggage you have so if you have 4 suit cases the trip will cost more then if you have 2 suitcases.
TAXIS in Magaluf ( +34971134700 )
If you call your own taxi the cost will be around 3 euros higher than if you get one from a taxi rank. Magaluf is a small town and you can walk to the Magaluf strip or to any Magaluf event from any Magaluf hotel within 10 minutes. There isn’t much need to get taxis however if you are staying in any of the hotels “up the hill” you may want to get a taxi after a night out! The hotels up the hill are the TRH, Sotavento, Sandalo, Florida.

Currency is Euros.- The currency in
Spain is the Euro.
Best place to change money or should we use card? There is plenty of places to change your currency to euros (the rate is usually better in Magaluf than it is in the UK) There are also over 50 ATM machines in Magaluf which makes it ideal if you want to withdraw money from your bank or currency card. All bars, clubs and Magaluf Events will also accept card payments. We have found that the Revolut card seems to have the best rates for exchange which you can order from here
Tourist Tax in Magaluf 3 Euros per day per person per night.
This is compulsory and is paid to the hotel when checking into all hotels in Mallorca not just Magaluf.
Hotel Deposits
Magaluf Hotel room deposits- All hotels in Magaluf will ask for a deposit on check in for security against damages to the room. If there are no issues you will get this refunded on check out. This is typically 50 euros per person or 200 euros per room but this does depend on the hotel. If you smash the room up however you may have substantially more than 200 euros to pay! A smashed balcony door can cost around 600 euros and a smashed TV can be a fine of 500 euros. The hotel also has passport details on file in case of any emergencies.!
Emergency contact details
Call 112 police, fire or ambulance.
Medical Centre
There are many medical centers and doctor surgeries across Magaluf some of which are 24 hours. We would advise you to take out travel insurance with medical cover before you come in holiday as a lot of people end up in the medical Centre for one reason or another and it can be expensive if you don’t have cover.

What time to do the clubs close?
6am (some bars open at 6am too).
What time do the bars close?
The bars off the main strip may close at 2am, most of the bars on the strip will close at 4am. The bars in magaluf square close at 2am. Benny Hills bar stays open 24 hours.
What bars are open at 6am?
Sky lounge and Benny Hills are both open from 6am for those who want to carry on the party.
If you are looking to see average spending money and Typical prices in Magaluf CLICK HERE.
Will I be able to have parties in my hotel or bring people back to the room?
It depends on the hotel some have security guards who will stop you bringing non hotel guests into the hotel. Check out the Magaluf Hotel Guide here
We advise people against going swimming in the sea at night your belongings are likely to be stolen and it makes an embarrassing walk home.
Is it cheaper to purchase Magaluf Event Tickets In resort from a rep or online?
It is much cheaper to purchase Magaluf tickets online! If you purchase the Magaluf Ultimate Package online HERE hen you can save over €200 from what hotel reps will charge you.
English is widely spoken in Magaluf however a lot of the staff who work in the magaluf bars, hotels and shops are Spannish so it’s polite to speak in their language. We have attached the basics which is enough to get by and a few cheeky pick up lines to in case you want to chat some Spannish!
• Hola – “Hello”
• ¿Qué tal? – “How are you?”
• ¿Qué pasa? – “What’s up?”
• ¿Cómo te va? – “How’re you doing?”
• Bien – “Good”
• Muy bien – “Very good”
• Así así – “So-so”
• No tan bien – “Not so good”
• ¿Y tú? – “And you?”
• Me llamo… – “My name is…”
• ¿Cómo te llamas? – “What’s your name?”
• Mucho gusto – “Nice to meet you”
• Placér – “A pleasure”
• Encantado/Encantada – “Charmed”, “Likewise”
Saying goodbye in Spanish
• Nos vemos mañana – “See you tomorrow”
• Hasta luego – “See you later”
Polite phrases in Spanish
• Gracias – “Thank you”
• De nada – “You’re welcome”
• No hay de qué – “No problem”
• Disculpe – “Excuse me”
• Lo siento – “I’m sorry”
Spanish Pick up Lines
¿Vienes aquí a menudo?
Do you come here often?
Linda, ¿me puedes decir que hora es?
Beautiful, can you tell me what time it is?
¿Me puedes decir tu nombre?
Can you tell me your name?
¿Te puedo invitar a un trago?
Can I buy you a drink?
¿Te has perdido?. Porque el cielo está bien lejos de aquí.
Are you lost, because heaven is a long way from here
Eres casada? Porque no soy celoso
Are you married? Because I am not the jealous type
¿Estas cansada/cansado? Porque has pasado por mi mente todo el día
Are you tired? because you have been running through my mind all day
Soy nuevo/nueva en el área, me dices como llegar a tu Corazón
I am new around here, can you tell me which way to your heart
Bonitas piernas, ¿A qué hora abren?
Nice legs, what time do they open?